Ag Jobs: Not Just For Farmers!

When we think of agriculture jobs, we typically think of tractors and trucks, hot and dusty air, and countless rows of crops stretching off into the distance. While that’s certainly a key part of it, that’s not nearly the full picture. There are loads of excellent, high paying jobs that don’t come anywhere near a field.

Here are Five Fast Facts on non-farm jobs in the agriculture industry:

  1. 🏙️Ag Jobs In…The City?? A recent study at Purdue University found that two-thirds of ag jobs are actually in metropolitan areas. City slickers can ag, too!
  2. 💿🖥️Ag Jobs In Tech! Both fast-moving small startups and big companies are flocking to biotech, providing great jobs for scientists and data engineers as they improve seed production and supply chain issues. Move over Silicon Valley, here comes Hidden Valley!
  3. 🥼🧪Ag Jobs For Everyone! You don’t have to have a 4-year degree to find jobs in ag. There are loads of hands-on lab jobs doing things like running experiments and collecting data. Students often get internships and full time job offers while still in school. Plus, lab jobs are how a lot of superheroes get their powers, so there’s that. 🦸
  4. 🌱What Do They Do? Just about anything and everything with plants: studying the effects of crop rotation, seeking increasing crop yields, combating pathogens and disease, and pest management just to name a few. Nerdy? Yes. Necessary? Only if you want people to have more food!
  5. 💰It’s Good For Paychecks! Biotechnology is one of the highest-paying college majors right now. In May 2020, biological technologist salaries were around $75k, and full biological scientists raked in around $137k. Sign us up for that!

🔥Bottom line: The demand for these jobs is high, but most people don’t know they exist so it’s hard to fill positions. Now you know, so go forth and prosper. Cash that fat Paycheck, feed the masses, and see if you get lucky with the superpowers.

Do you know anyone who works in ag?

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