All About Rage Applying and Why It's Not a Great Idea

Despite all my rage, I am still just…working for a measly wage?💸 Any Smashing Pumpkins fans out there?! 😆🤘

Quiet quitting is taking a backseat to "rage applying", which is becoming this year's hottest employment catchphrase. 🤬 The concept recently went viral on TikTok. It refers to applying for any job under the sun out of frustration at your current job. 😩 While some people have seen success with rage applying, it's not exactly what the job doctors order.


Here’s Five Fast Facts on rage applying (and what to do instead!):

  1. 🔥 Fireside Chat - Before you pull out the ol' "spray and pray" method and pepper with your resume, have an honest chat with your boss. Express your concerns and get everything out on the table. If you feel like you've hit a dead end, it might be time to look for something new. However, if you're direct, you could get what you want and become a lot happier staying put.
  1. 🦆 Get Your Ducks in a Row - If you've decided it's time to move on, take time to figure out what's most important to you. Many people rage apply to try to get a new job as quickly as possible, but narrowing down your job search will only help you in the long run. Make a list of top things you want to see in a job description and apply to the openings that fit your wish list. On the flip side, keep a short list of red flags to look out for and steer clear. 
  1. 💻 Custom Build - Even though it's tempting to fire off the same resume and cover letter template to every job you apply for, a little customization goes a long way. Spend time tailoring your application to the job opening. Many recruiters look for resumes with keywords that match the job description, so get specific. If an application includes the name of a contact, don't forget to address your cover letter to that individual.
  1. 🗣️ Ask Around - Remember, applying to jobs on the internet isn't the only way to find a new gig. Tap into your network and ask around. You never know who could lead you to your dream job! Networking definitely takes longer than rage applying, but high-quality connections are worth their weight in gold. 
  1. 💼 Jobs Are Jumpin' - Although the economy has been wonkier than Willy lately, the job market remains pretty stable overall. Even with all the big tech layoffs, the United States experienced a 50-year low rate of unemployment in January. In February, 311,000 jobs were added to the labor market.

🔥Bottom line: When it comes to making your next move, be choosy! After all, you don't want to jump ship at one nightmare job just to wind up in another. Instead of throwing an application rager, slow down a bit, put on some yacht rock, and sail on into a gig you'll love.⛵ Head here for resume tips and peep this article to beat job burnout.

Has rage applying worked in your favor?

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