Over 1,000 workers at two CNH plants, including the one in Racine, went on strike May 2nd after contract negotiations fell apart. Apparently, we’re not dealing with enough chaos in the workforce already. So what in the blue hell is going on?


Here’s Five Fast Facts about the CNH Strike

  1. 🚜🚧C-N What Now? -  CNH is an international corporation that produces industrial and agricultural equipment. They’ve been in Wisconsin since 1844.
  2. 👷⛔Why the strike? - UAW members at CNH feel they’ve been stuck with poor working conditions, declining pay and benefits. They’re basically following in the footsteps of John Deere and Volvo employees who went on strike last year.
  3. 😨😧Very Industrious - Non-UAW members (salaried and hourly) at both plants continue to work and CNH says the strike is creating a lot of understandable anxiety.
  4. 🕰📅How long? - CNH last experienced a strike in 2004. It locked out employees for 17 weeks AFTER UAW ended the strike, eventually coming to an agreement that pretty much matched CNH’s original final offer. CNH doesn't scare easily. 
  5. ⏰✊By The Hour - At the time of writing, the UAW continues to extend its contract with CNH on an hourly basis, but workers remain on strike.

🔥Bottom line: Everyone’s in a tough spot here. The existing worker shortage puts a lot of pressure on CNH executives, but striking employees still have to deal with sky high inflation that their dues don’t necessarily take into account. Something has to give soon on one side or the other.

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