Does Welfare Pays More Than Working?

Most Americans believe that one of the best things about this country is the social safety net for when times are tough. But should that safety net go on forever? And just how “safe” should it make people using its benefits? A new study gives us shocking new insight into this situation.

Here are Five Fast Facts on a new study showing how welfare benefits beat work in many states:

  1. ⏲️ The History - Even back when welfare was first set up, the purpose was to help those who needed it, but only for a short time and with the intention of getting those folks back into good jobs and taking care of themselves.

  1. 😯 The Current Situation - That’s not at all what’s happening now. We see millions of Americans making more money to stay out of the workforce than to get back into it!

  1. 💰 The Dollars Make No Sense - Some examples of this madness include: families earning $500k still qualify for ObamaCare subsidies; in a dozen states the value of unemployment and ObamaCare is more than the salary and benefits of most teachers, electricians, truck drivers, retail associates, construction workers, and machinists; in New Jersey, a family of four can get almost $110k in benefits without a single job among them!

  1. 💸 Troubling Issues - Some government assistance programs (like SNAP) make sure only low income people qualify, but many others do not. A lot of people bounce out of programs for a few months – just long enough to re-qualify for free benefits – and then bounce right back in again. Fraud costs us over $100 billion each year!

  1. 🤝 The Politics - Politicians love to give out benefits (especially using other peoples’ money!) They have been removing limits and safeguards to programs, and expanding the eligibility and generosity of programs for years. They’ve spun things out of control, and taxpayers are footing the bill.

🔥Bottom line: The end result of this is why we see such an odd thing nowadays: low unemployment, but Help Wanted signs everywhere! There are 3 million fewer working Americans now than in 2019 because they get paid more to not work! This is a problem for the Paychecks of everyone who is working because it’s their tax dollars that are spent on these programs. This also hurts the economic recovery we really need now that the pandemic is over!

We need a serious national conversation about how this should look going forward. Yes, there should be a safety net…but there have to be limits, or the whole thing will collapse. People shouldn’t be paid more for sitting at home on their couch than to go out and be productive, right?

What do you think about government assistance programs?

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