Help Wanted: State Broadband Guru!

A massive pile of money has been set aside for connecting every American to high speed broadband Internet. It’s up to each state to make the plans and deliver results…but many states still need someone to run the show! So dust off that resume because this one might interest you!

Here are Five Fast Facts on the Broadband Equity, Access and Deployment (BEAD) Program:

  1. ❓ What Is It? The program was funded by the bipartisan Infrastructure Act in Congress earlier this year, to the tune of a cool $40B! The money is tied to 5-year plans and proposals. Big time tech starts with writing…go figure!
  2. 🧑‍💻 What Are The Roles? There are 15 director positions available, along with another 50+ related roles. Washington, Colorado, and Maine have the most postings. 
  3. 👨‍💼 The Key - The most critical jobs needed are the director roles - doing the planning and oversight of launching or improving broadband service throughout their entire state, often managing budgets of many millions of dollars. Small potatoes this is not.
  4. 💸 Who’s Doing It? About half of all states had a broadband office before the pandemic, but now all 50 have at least some kind of broadband program in process. Some states were early to jump onto the federal funding train, but pretty much everyone is there now. Funny how that happens when you throw some big money around, huh?
  5. 📝 What Happens Next? Applications to fund the planning process were due in August. From there, they’ve got 270 days to make a 5-year plan for how they will roll out the actual implementation. And then it’s time for some major broadband action!

🔥Bottom line: For those who might qualify for these jobs, this is a great opportunity for an excellent Paycheck! For everyone else, at least take comfort in knowing that your laggy connection will soon get better!

How bad is the broadband speed where you live?

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