Is a 4-Day Work Week on the Horizon?

Everybody’s always working for the weekend, and it’s gone faster than a toupee in a windstorm. 

But what if the weekends were longer? Oh, the things we could do. The places we could go! 

Is a 5-Day Work Week Possible for Michiganders? Here’s Five Fast Facts …… :

  1. 🦘 It all started down under - A nonprofit out of New Zealand, called 4-Day Week Global, has launched a study this month where a few thousand workers in the UK will get an extra day off every week for the next six months. 
  2. ⏰ Give yourself a break - The study organizers want to see if participants will be as productive during a shorter work week – and if their health and stress levels improve (I mean, it can’t get worse, right?).
  3. 💲💲 But what about my money!? - Don’t worry; pay remains the same during the experiment. After all, if you can put out the same amount of work in less time, you still deserve to be paid the same. 
  4. 👋 Please don’t go, girl - You too, fellas. This study comes on the heels of the Great Resignation, and companies must find ways to attract and keep workers. 
  5. 🚗 But I don’t live in the UK - Right, mate. That’s why General Motors, Ford, and general contractor Barton Malow are all watching this study closely. If it works across the pond, we may see it come to fruition here. But for now, get back to work – we ain’t there yet. 

🔥Bottom line: We all gotta work – but why work more than we need to do? As the saying goes – work smarter, not harder! 

What would YOU do with an extra day off? Let us know by connecting with us on Social Media and be sure to share this newsletter with any friends & coworkers!

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