Is an Employment Gap on Your Resume Holding You Back?

Got a space between jobs bigger than Michael Strahan's teeth gap?!  😆🦷 Have no fear. According to recent research, a resume gap might not be the deal breaker it used to be. If you do have a gap, there are also ways to polish up that resume to look like a pro. 🏆


Here’s Five Fast Facts on employment gaps:

  1. 🕳️ Fall Into The Gap - A recent survey by revealed that 68% of workers have a gap in their employment. Family responsibilities were the most common reason for the gap (39%) and 60% of folks say the gap has made it harder to find a new gig.

  2. 💼 In It For the Long Haul - In March, the number of long-term unemployed (AKA jobless for more than 27 weeks) reached 1.1 million. This group makes up nearly 20% of all unemployed people in the United States.
  1. 😴 Taking Some “Me” Time - Some say the career gap isn't as big of a deal as it was in the past and that it's even becoming more normalized. Some people are rebranding their gaps as ‘career breaks’ where they take time to recharge and regroup. #selfcare
  1. 🤝 Don't Sweat It - According to data from LinkedIn, 79% of hiring managers said they'd be willing to hire candidates with a career gap on their resumes.
  1. 😎 Big Tenure Energy - Another study found that resumes that listed years of tenure at a job instead of actual dates of employment were more likely to land an interview. For example, instead of saying you worked for a company from April 2017 to April 2023, you would just list your length of tenure as 5 years. Research shows this could increase your chances of a callback by 15% compared with a resume with an employment gap, and even by 8% compared with a resume without a gap.

🔥Bottom line: Let's face it, gaps in employment happen. Mass layoffs are taking a major toll on Americans and no one can plan for unexpected family or personal emergencies. 😕 Luckily, it seems as though employers are being a bit more forgiving than they used to be. Need help with your resume? Check out this article

How would you explain an employment gap in your resume?

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