What happens when a budget gap meets a nap gap? No one knows, but ask us again in a year and we’ll tell you from experience!
It’s no secret that there’s a huge hole in Washington State’s budget, and they’re going to have to fill it somehow. Lawmakers are making plans, and one of the things on the chopping block is child care subsidies. What’s going on, and how might it affect you?
Here are Five Fast Facts on filling Washington State’s budget hole by cutting child care:
- 😱 Balancing Act - You can argue that the state has been overspending for a long time, but the reality is that the state has more bills than dollars. Some hard choices are coming, Sophie.
- 🤹 Juggling Act - Parents of young kids are especially in a bind, juggling work and kids. Almost 40% of parents across the state have quit or lost their jobs after having the crumb crunchers, and child care challenges are a big reason why. It's like juggling flaming torches while riding a unicycle…blindfolded.
- 😥 Act Of Desperation - About 63% of Washingtonians live in so-called “child care deserts.” These are areas with a shortage of child care options, and they can be super tough for parents, who are often stuck in limbo because of it. And not the good kind of limbo, with the low bar and dancing, either.
- ⛔ Act-ually…Maybe Not - The state was previously going to expand child care subsidies for families earning up to 75% of the state’s median income, but now they’re rethinking that plan. It’s more back-and-forth than a playground see-saw!
- 👶❤️ Act Like You Care - A lot of child advocacy and parent groups are urging lawmakers to prioritize child care over other stupid government spending, especially in rural areas. To paraphrase Whitney: do we or do we not believe that children are our future??
🔥Bottom line: Let’s hope the new Governor and legislature can act in a way that takes care of our state’s kids (and their parents) and still remains financially responsible!
What do you think should be done about child care and the budget hole?
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