Lazy Personal Finance Hacks

Are you a potato of the couch variety? 🥔 A loafing lad or lady? Wave that lazy flag loud and proud, my friend. 😴

Turns out being responsible with your personal finances doesn't mean you have to be an eager beaver. 💸🦫 Or an early bird. But if you want that worm, maybe set an alarm.


Here’s Five Fast Facts on how to be money-smart with a lazy lifestyle:

  1. 👌 Keep It Stupid Simple - Warren Buffet famously said he doesn't invest in anything he can't understand. That same philosophy can be used in your own life when it comes to your finances. Forget about complicated savings strategies and stick to the basics. If you're not an expert, putting money into a simple index fund is way more effective than trying to keep up with the latest stock trends.
  1. 👍 Tried and True - Why reinvent the wheel when there are all kinds of rules of thumb to borrow? Tried and true personal finance tips, like not spending more than you make and paying off your credit card each month, are practical and easy to remember. No need to get all crazy.
  2. 💵 No Frills - Not a fan of complicated budgets? Don't worry, you don't need them. Simply checking your bank accounts regularly and reviewing your credit card statements will tell you everything you need to know about your spending habits. Set rough limits on how much you can spend a week and review your purchases to make sure you're on track.
  1. 🤖 It's Auto, Mate! - Sure, you might be scared of a robot takeover, but automation does make our lives easier. For example, setting up that automatic transfer from your checking to your savings account on payday makes saving a breeze. Take advantage of automatic bill pay to always be on time.
  1. 📲 Financial App-titude - Speaking of robots, there are plenty of apps to keep you on the right financial path. YNAB is great for simple budgeting. Split your bills with your partner? Check out Honeydue

🔥Bottom line: Now, these might be some lazy hacks, but it doesn't mean you should get lazy with your good financial habits. In between hot girl naps, make sure you're paying those bills and checking your credit score. Want more ways to crush your financial goals without a complicated budget? Feast your eyes on this article

What's your favorite lazy finance hack?

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