Let the Sun Shine! Alliant’s Solar Plans Move Forward

Alliant Energy has been given the green light by the Public Service Commission (part of the Department of Natural Resource that regulates utilities of all types across the state) to start phase two of its solar energy plan. 

Here’s Five Fast Facts on Allant’s Solar Plans:

  1. 🌇🌇What was Phase 1? - Phase 1 involved a giant “laser” on the moon… No, wait, sorry. It involved spending $925M for six other projects (including wind power, battery storage and a new natural gas facility) that would generate 675 megawatts of power for customers.
  2. 🌤💡So what’s Phase 2? - Phase 2 involves buying or building six solar farms in Dane, Grant, Green, Rock and Waushara counties for a total of $620M
  3. 🔌🔌What are the panels for? - The panels are projected to create 441 megawatts of power, enough for about 100,000 homes. 
  4. 🏭📅Is there a Phase 3? - No idea yet, but Alliant wants to replace its coal fired-plants over the next two years and eliminate all carbon emissions by 2050.
  5. 💰💰What do we get? - Alliant says the change will save customers up to $6.5B over the next 35 years, and the various upgrades are not expected to cause an increase in your monthly bill. 

🔥Bottom line: Alliant’s move to renewable energy is huge for a large chunk of the state. Their 2050 goal suggests they’re slow-rolling everything, but a far-away date gives them the opportunity to show off how “fast” they’re moving. The PR spin strikes again! 

What do you think of Alliant’s plan? Let us know by connecting with us on Social Media and be sure to share this newsletter with any friends & coworkers!

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