Minnesota Considers Basic Income

Minnesota’s progressive-dominated legislature is making another move, this time in the form of a statewide Basic Income Program. Is this good for Minnesota?


Here’s Five Fast Facts About Basic Income:

  1. 💵Basic Huh? - By definition, Basic Income is the government giving all citizens money on a periodic basis. Minnesota’s plan, however, isn’t so broad. 
  2. 📃 Decent Proposal - The $100M proposal would create a pilot program that would give up to 10,000 people hundreds of dollars per month.
  3. 🪪 Follow Up - This is not a new concept in the state. St. Paul, Minneapolis, and local nonprofits have started guaranteed income pilot programs since 2020. State legislators have tested the waters with rebate checks for more than two million residents and passed the nation’s highest child tax credit that gives around 300,000 families up to $1,750 per kid.
  4. 💸 Take it From Here - The bill would award grants to nonprofits, local, and tribal governments. They would, in turn, distribute the payments. Qualifying recipients would have to be receiving public benefits or have a household income at or below 300% of the federal poverty level, which is $31,200 for a family of four.
  5. 🙅‍♂️Oh No! - Critics of the bill point to potential fraud and the possibility of money going to immigrants living illegally in the country. The proposal isn’t expected to get off the ground, since lawmakers want to use it as a way to start a conversation.

🔥Bottom line: With Progressives basically in charge of the state, we’re going to continue seeing measures like this. Love it or hate it, the only way to keep it or change it is to vote and take action locally!

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