New Law Benefits Pregnant Employees

A new federal law has changed the way companies will accommodate pregnant employees. What’s surprising is that a variety of these accommodations were previously not guaranteed at all.


Here’s Five Fast Facts about the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA):

  1. 👶 Accommodating - The new law requires companies to provide employees with mandatory accommodations and time off for childbirth, miscarriages, and other pregnancy-related complications and conditions.
  2. 🍼 Take It Easy - Employers must also provide breaks for hydrating, eating, resting, using the restroom, telework, and leave or work schedule alterations for medical appointments.
  3. 👩‍🍼 How is This Different Than Family and Medical Leave Act? - FMLA only applies to employees who have worked for 12 months for employers that have 50 or more workers. In other words, you had to wait a year to get pregnant in order to get FMLA benefits.
  4. 👼 That’s Not All - There’s another catch: 44% of workers aren’t eligible for FMLA time and 15% of them are ineligible because the workplace is too small. One in five haven’t worked long enough to qualify.
  5. 🐥 Before You Rage Post - The leave also does not have to be paid, but an employer can provide it as part of their own policies. They also are not required to pay directly for care, travel, or even abortions, so lay off the caps lock key.

🔥Bottom line: This is one of those situations where people could easily assume accommodations like this already exist. The fact that it took this long is sure to raise eyebrows.

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