Protecting Pot, Michigan Edition

If you live in Michigan and enjoy a little 420 while doing your best Snoop-dog impression, you’ve had to plan way ahead if you’re looking for a job. But listen up, Snoop-dupes, that may be changing in the near future!

Here are Five Fast Facts on Michigan’s potential easing of restrictions on pot use in hiring:

  1. 🔍 The Sitch - Recreational marijuana use for Michiganders has been legal since 2018, but the current state law says that anyone who fails a pre-hire drug test for pot not only doesn’t get the job, but also cannot apply for another state job for the next three years. It’s like a one-stop shop for a three-strike rule.
  1. 📝 The Proposal - A commission proposed changing the rules to drop a pre-hire drug test for pot, and could grant amnesty for those who have failed it so they don’t have to wait the full three years to try again. As long as you’re not actually high at the interview, you’re green…er, golden!
  1. 🚫 The Exceptions - There are some exceptions for jobs like police and commercial truck drivers. The new rule also wouldn’t affect drug use while on the job. Yeah, we’re kinda glad for that one.
  1. 🌱 The Landscape - This new rule comes as states around the country are loosening restrictions on pre-hiring drug tests for pot, like in Washington State, for example. Policymakers are trying to adapt the rules to the “new culture.” In fact, of all workplace drug tests last year, 4.3% of them tested positive for pot, up from 3.9% just two years ago. It’s the highest number since they started tracking it in 1988! Dare we say that it’s just going higher and higher?
  1. 💡 The Action - The proposal is out there, and now’s the chance for public comment. If you want to offer your thoughts – whether for or against – you can email them to before June 23. Go tell them what you think (maybe sober up first, though)!

🔥Bottom line: There’s no doubt the culture is heading in the direction of more pot use, but is that a good or bad thing? Policies like this are the front of the culture battle, and need your perspective! Don’t hold back - involvement is the best way to have the government you want!

What do you think of this proposed new rule?

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