Shake Your Money Maker! 5 Ways To Earn More Cash in 2023

So you gave up your Starbucks and your Netflix and you're *still* not rich? ☕🚫 We hear you. In this cray-cray economy, most of our paychecks are going towards bills and buying the things we need. 💸

They say the best way to save money is to make more of it! 🤑 More people than ever are putting their entrepreneur caps on and coming up with creative ways to bring in more moolah. 


Here’s five ways you can make some extra money this year:

  1. 💻 Do the Freelance Dance - If you're a tech-savvy computer whiz, consider joining the gig economy as a part-time freelancer! Freelancing platforms like Upwork list available gigs for things like data entry and virtual assisting. You can pick up one-off gigs whenever you want to try going for a longer-term contract to keep the dough flowin' in.  

  1. 🚙 You Drive Me Crazy - If driving's more your thing, pick up some riders in your spare time through Uber or Lyft. You can also make a decent amount of extra cash delivering food through apps like PostMates, DoorDash and GrubHub

  1. 🐶 Who Let The Dogs Out? - Are you a dog-lover? Sign up on apps like Rover and Wag and take care of the furry friends in your neighborhood. You can also kick it old school and advertise your dog sitting and walking services on your social media page and hang up flyers at your local community hangouts.

  1. 👶🏼 Daddy Daycare - Busy moms and dads are always looking for help with their little ones. If you don't mind dirty diapers and the occasional runny nose, why not try babysitting? Network with parents in your town or sign up for to search for available jobs. 

  1. 🧽🧹Clean Up Crew - Do you like to keep things neat and tidy? Consider earning some extra income by cleaning houses and apartments. Find jobs though sites like or advertise your services locally.  If you do a stellar job, chances are you'll wind up with recurring customers! 

🔥Bottom line: We wish money grew on trees, but since it doesn't, working some overtime in a side hustle is the next best thing. In today's world, there's a side hustle for just about everyone, so make sure to pick something you enjoy doing. Use the extra cash to pay down debt, invest in the stock market or real estate, or take that tropical trip you've been dreaming of. 🌴

Are you trying out a side hustle this year? Let us know by connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram! Also, remember to share this newsletter with your friends & coworkers!

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