Stuck in the Middle With You

You’ve probably seen memes or video clips from Office Space, Fight Club, or even The Office that show people feeling trapped or stuck in a dead-end job. Many of those characters find a relieving (and funny) way out by sticking it to “the man” but that doesn’t always translate into real life. So, what can you do if you are feeling stuck...without destroying your career? 


Here’s Five Fast Facts About Fixing Your Dead-End Job:

  1. 🪤 Quicksand - A recent survey shows that a stunning 75% of workers feel professionally trapped in their jobs. That’s a terrifying (and sad) view of the American workforce. Part of that is because most companies don’t have good career paths or developmental opportunities.
  2. 🏚️ Fixer Upper - A simple first step on the road to Unstuck City is to take a hard look and determine if you’re in a fixed mindset. Are you assuming you can’t change, learn, and grow in your career path? One expert says many people talk themselves into that place, that they’re blocking themselves.
  3. 👀 Seek and Destroy - Visit HR with some suggestions about a professional developmental program, conference, or even courses you’d like to take. They can be extremely receptive and maybe even impressed at the same time. It’s not a guarantee, but it can certainly help build your skillset.
  4. 😮 Speak Up - Talk to your supervisor and point out the things that you feel are in the way of your growth, development, or even happiness. Come prepared with suggestions (especially if you can show how they can benefit the company), too.
  5. 🍽️ More Please - You can always ask to expand the scope of your responsibilities. It’s a different way to figure out if you’re truly happy with your career and it shakes things up a bit, taking you away from the same old same old.

🔥Bottom line: Communication is the key here. Most places hire you because you’re good at what you do and then leave it at that. That’s why it’s critical that you take charge of your career path. No one else is going to do it.

Do you feel stuck in your job?

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