The First Cut is the Deepest

Guess who inflation is hitting hardest? 

If your answer included the name “Bezos,” go sit in the corner. 

A recent poll shows who is being forced to cut back, what they’re choosing, and why. The answers might surprise you. 

Here’s Five Fast Facts on Cutbacks and your Paycheck:

  1. 👪👀 Who’s Worried? Normal folks like you. The majority (55%) of homes making $50,000 or less are the ones really  worried about inflation.The middle-income earners (45%) who make up to $100,000 are a bit less worried.
  2. 👴👵 Okay, Boomer. While 76% of adults say they’re worried and are re-thinking their spending, the Baby Boomers (64%) are just over their chilling in their fancy porch chairs drinking a brewski. Meanwhile, adults 35-64 (81%) are over there sitting on their hand-me-down porch couch, popping Xanax.
  3. ⛽🏠 Passing Gas The main source of stress is affording stuff we can’t live without, like gas – 21% of folks are pointing the finger at the pump. After that, 16% said housing costs are giving them nightmares and 13% said the cost of food is biting WAY too big a chunk out of the household budget.
  4. 🍗🚗 What Went First? - Ah the primordial question… which got cut from the budget first: the chicken or the car? The top answers were dining out (53%), driving (39%), and name brand household products (32%). In short: the McDonald’s drive through is screwed.
  5. ✈️📺 What’s next?  Well, 40% are considering scrapping their vacation and 36% are canceling some kind of subscription. Netflix stocks are probably ‘bout to be… shall we say, chilled.

🔥 The Bottom Line: While most Americans aren’t yet eyeing the family dog for dinner, something has to change soon before things get out of control. Regular folks are making smart lifestyle cuts to get through the times… meanwhile, others are buying social media platforms and probably flying private jets to go get McDonalds just to rub it in that the rest of us can no longer find room for a Big Mac in our budgets.

What are you cutting to save some money? Any tips for the masses? Let us know on the Zuck Machine and be sure to share this newsletter with any friends & coworkers!

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