The United States of Stress

I’m stressed out, you’re (probably) stressed out, everyone’s stressed out. But residents of some states (geographic, not mental) are more stressed than others and a new study ranked them. It used key indicators in the following stressors: money, work, health, and family.


Here’s Five Fast Facts on the Most Stressed Out States:

  1. 🚘 Tennessee - The Volunteer state tops the list due in part to its high level of health stress. Their work lives are pretty chaotic with longer hours and some of the longest commute times in the nation.
  2. ⏰ Alabama - The big factors here are work and health stress. Alabamans work more hours than most Americans, make a lot less, AND have one of the highest rates of divorce in the country.
  3. 🏥 Oklahoma - The health stress rate here is through the roof. A large percentage of residents don’t have health insurance and that’s led, in part, to high levels of depression.
  4. 🔫 Louisiana - When it comes to mental health, Louisiana is struggling. It has the fewest psychologists per capita. It also has the highest crime per capita and the second-highest percentage of people living in poverty.
  5. 💍 Nevada - It’s easy to get married in Nevada, but it also has the second-highest divorce rate in the country. How much of this stress is related to the threat of the mob breaking your legs? 

🔥Bottom line: Judging by this list, the south is a pretty stressful place to live. What’s interesting is that none of the places most people would expect -- like New York or California -- are in the top five. 

Do you live in one of these states?

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