Washington Makes College More Accessible And Affordable

Many students here in Washington don’t take advantage of all the help available. Let’s look at some recent efforts to help, and how they might affect our Paychecks!


Here are Five Fast Facts on Washington’s college assistance:

  1. 📝Ugh, paperwork! Washington is ranked 48th for high school seniors completing the FAFSA, with only 46% doing it last year. A new law helps reach out to students to help them fill out the application. Welcome to the real world…where you can’t escape paperwork!
  2. 💸💰Improving grants - The Washington College Grant program is being improved. Now students qualify for free tuition if they’re from a family earning just $64k! There’s also money for books and supplies, and partial scholarships for students from families earning up to $107k.
  3. 💡Making it easier for low income students - If families receive government benefits like food stamps or welfare, they've already proven they have a low income. So, they’ll be automatically notified that they can get Washington College Grant assistance.
  4. 📉Enrollment crisis! The state's colleges have had lower enrollment in the last two years, so they are also giving guaranteed admission for qualifying students. Give a little, get a little!
  5. ❓What’s the cost? It’s unclear how this program will affect our Paychecks in tax dollars. There isn’t much public opposition to these efforts, probably because no one wants to be seen as a heartless monster. The bill passed easily, with bipartisan support.

🔥Bottom line: A few years out from high school, people with a college degree make roughly $24k more than people without one. There are sure to be some tax implications to more free college now, but that may be a price worth paying for such a huge benefit to our students! It certainly gives them much better Paychecks in the future! What do you think about this?

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