Ladies, Get That Raise!

OK, we know this goes without saying, but if women built those Boeing planes, we wouldn't be in such a pickle. 🚮  It's still very much a man's world out there, ladies. It's time to get confident. 🤩

According to a recent study by, over half of women worldwide said they never asked for a raise before. 🫢 Out of the 43% who did ask, three out of four secured the bag. Let's put our big girl pants on and get that paper. 🤑


Here’s Five Fast Facts on how to ask for a raise:

  1. 👩🏻‍💻 Facts Attack - We know you're worth your weight in gold, but you have to go into your meeting with some cold hard data. Before you talk to your boss, do some salary research for your role online. Glassdoor and the Bureau of Labor Statistics are great places to start. The more facts you have to back up your request, the better.
  2. 💃 Show, girls! - In addition to compensation data, include real life examples of your achievements to make your case. Show off times where you've completed projects with tight deadlines or helped solve a problem when no one else could. Back up your examples with numbers wherever you can.
  3. 🤔 Curve Balls - Once you've prepared your talking points and feel good about what you'll include in your conversation, consider how you'll handle any pushback. Managers may have all kinds of objections, so be ready with a response. For example, if a manager says they can't give you an answer until their next budget meeting, kindly ask to schedule a follow-up afterwards to continue the conversation.
  4. 🗓️ Calendar Queen - When you meet with your supervisor, it's all about timing. Don't just drop by their office randomly, get it on the calendar. Make sure your invitation clearly states that you'd like to discuss your compensation and career development. Be mindful of your boss' schedule and go for the least stressful day and time.
  1. 😎 Confidence, Baby - Now that you're ready to go, don't forget to conjure up some sweet confidence. Practice your conversation ahead of time. If you have a trusted mentor or friend, ask them to role play the meeting with you to make it feel more real. They can also offer feedback before the big day.

🔥Bottom line: Asking for a raise can be pretty scary! Just follow these tips and your meeting will be as cool as a cucumber. Caught up in a recent layoff? Now might be the perfect time to make that career change. Check out this list of hot industries to plot your next move.

Have you asked for a raise lately?

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