Laid Off? Try One of These Industries

We're all still a little shaky from the crazy tech layoffs flying around. 😵‍💫💼 It's normal if you have some anxiety over the safety of your own job. Whether you're afraid of a robot takeover or execs making more cuts to save the bottom line, considering your options is always a smart idea. 💡

If you're in a sketchy job situation, why not consider a career change in one of these top growing industries? 📈


Here’s Five Fast Facts on the best industries to get into after a layoff:

  1. 🩺 Health is Wealth - According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, healthcare jobs will increase significantly over the next ten years. Between now and 2032, they're expected to spike in demand by over 15%. The increase is due to our country's growing aging population and widespread chronic illnesses.
  1. 🪥 Brush and Floss - You don't need to go to med school to get a job in healthcare. In fact, many jobs require certifications that take one to two years to complete. Dental assistants can get certified within two years and only need a high school diploma to get started. The national average salary for a dental assistant is $44,710.
  1. 🖥️ Tech Talent - Even with all the tech layoffs happening, the computer science industry is still booming. Like healthcare jobs, computer science jobs are also expected to grow over 15% by 2032. Specific areas of growth include web and software developers, data scientists, and programmers.
  1. 👩🏻‍💻 Secret Code - Want a relatively easy way to break into the tech industry? Try a coding boot camp. Many of them can be completed within weeks or months and you'll walk away knowing a specific coding language! Right now, the average computer programmer's salary is $89,190.
  1. 💙 Social Hour - The community and social services industry is also on the rise. Counseling jobs as well as therapist and social worker gigs are expected to see a 7.8% growth over the next decade. Keep in mind that many of these jobs require advanced degrees to make the big bucks. Social work assistant jobs that require a high school diploma have an average annual salary of $38,520. 

🔥Bottom line: Layoffs suck, but you can totally bounce back stronger. While no job is pink slip proof, choosing a gig in a relatively safe industry could do you a solid. Speaking of stressful situations, ever wonder which states are the most stressed out? Check out this article for some fun facts. 

Do you work in any of these industries?

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