So Much for Quiet Quitting! Here Comes Quit-Tok

The kids are at it again! This time, they're taking to TikTok to announce their departures from their crap-tastic jobs. 😤🤳🏼 Whatever happened to just beating your computer with a baseball bat? 😆🖥️

Disgruntled workers just climbed aboard a brand new social media fad, cutely known as #quittok. We'll just put quiet quitting on the dusty shelf with the other dead trends - RIP. 🪦


Here’s Five Fast Facts on the "Quit-Tok" trend:

  1. 🍔 Busted Burgers - The Quit-tok trend started going viral a few years ago. Some say it all started when employees at a McDonald's in the UK quit all at once. The crew made a video and posted it on TikTok and it's been viewed a whopping 16 million times.
  2. 👧🏻 For the Kids - Younger generations who grew up online are more likely to jump on the Quit-Tok bandwagon than older gens. They're much more comfortable airing out their problems on social media and it's an outlet for them to express their frustrations.
  1. 📱 A Whole Lotta Quitters - Move over ASMR and cute little kitty videos, there's something trendier. Right now on social media, the hashtag #quittok has racked up over 41 million views. Everyone loves a quitter?
  1. 💁🏼‍♀️ You Deserve Better - Those in favor of the trend say it forces employers to be more accountable and could influence the way they treat workers. Their thought is if a company doesn't want disgruntled employees to make angry TikToks about them, maybe they should treat them better.
  2. 🙅🏻‍♂️ Maybe You Shouldn't - Critics of the trend say it's unprofessional and unhappy workers should leave their jobs in a tactful manner. It could also hurt your chances of getting a new, better job. Remember, you can't erase the internet and your post could be seen by future employers.

🔥Bottom line: While making an unfiltered post about quitting your crappy job might feel good in the short term, experts say it could have long term impacts. Even if you really did work in the seventh level of hell, it might be best to vent at happy hour instead of TikTok. Prepping for your next interview? This article will help you tap into your grittiness. 

Have you ever posted about a bad job on social media?

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