These Hacks are Good for the Planet, Great for your Wallet

Birds are chirping, the sun is shining, and the weather’s feeling a lot like we’re gonna need that outdoor happy hour to start at 3pm. 😛🍹 If you’re not a lush, maybe you’ve got your mind on spring cleaning more than a mojito. Why not both? 💁🏻‍♀️

If you want to make this spring your most eco-friendly yet, here are some affordable ways to help mama Earth out without breaking the bank. 🌎


Here’s Five Fast & cheap home hacks that help the environment:

  1. 🧻 Roll Call - Paper towels are convenient, but they’re also pretty wasteful. Take the old towels you have in the back of the linen closet (we’ve all got ‘em) and use them instead. Cut them into smaller sizes and keep them around the kitchen. Throw them into the washer when they get grimy; lather, rinse, repeat.
  1. 🔌 Good Energy - Although it’s a bit of an investment up front, switching to a smart thermostat can save you a ton over the long term. Utility prices are sky high (thanks, inflation)! Set your smart thermostat to automatically go into energy-saving mode when you’re not home, easy peasy. You can even control some models through your smartphone and monitor your home’s air quality, too.
  1. 🧑‍🍳 Bake Better - If you use a ton of tin foil or parchment paper, switching to a silicone baking mat instead will save you money and help mother nature. Pick up one of these bad boys anywhere from Home Goods to your local supermarket. They’re cheap, easy to clean, and environmentally friendly. 
  1. 😶‍🌫️ Powder Fresh - Powder laundry detergent might seem like a blast from the past, but it could be more eco-friendly than the liquid stuff. Liquid detergent often comes in bulky, plastic packaging. You also tend to use more liquid than powder, meaning you’re buying it more often. Powder detergents also tend to come in cardboard packaging, which is easier to recycle.
  2. 👚 Just Hangin’ Out - While we’re talking dirty (laundry, that is), let’s talk about drying clothes. Now that it’s getting warmer, why not hang your clothes outside to dry? If the weather’s bad, invest in a couple of drying racks and let things air dry inside. Even if you don’t skip the dryer every time, giving it a break is good for the planet and your utility bills.

🔥Bottom line: Making a few simple tweaks to your household routine could be good for your wallet and the planet! What more could you ask for? Well, maybe a Costco hot dog. Speaking of, don’t fall victim to those impulse purchases. Head here for tips to keep it under control.

Got any extra eco-friendly tips to share?

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