Nebraska Spends Big Bucks On Resiliency

Here in Nebraska, we’ve got a good thing going: a terrific economy capable of weathering tough times, assets everyone wants, and lots of job expansion. But how about we make all the good things stand the test of time, too?

Here are Five Fast Facts on Nebraska’s community resiliency efforts:

  1. 💰💰💰What Happened? Nebraska received a monster-sized pile of money from federal ARPA and COVID funds. It’s spending over $700M on programs to make communities more resilient. You know, keeping the good stuff good no matter what happens.
  2. 🏘️🏗️Programs? What Programs? There will be 29 new programs to help communities around the state, support businesses, and address affordable housing and jobs. It's the government; making programs is what they do.
  3. 🌆Help For Communities - Over $250M will be spent on recovery grants for communities with high poverty rates or low median incomes. This includes helping with affordable housing, business development, entrepreneurship, and crime prevention. That’s so much money that it should help despite typical government inefficiency!
  4. 💼Help For Jobs - Almost $200M will be spent specifically on job training, facilities, and rural workforce expansion around the state. And our Paychecks rejoice!
  5. 💻Where Do I Find Out More? Applications for the initial programs open next month, with more coming until 2026. To learn more and get updates, visit

🔥Bottom line: This is still pretty general info right now, but with this much money pouring into so many different improvements around our state, it can’t help but mean good things. For us and for our Paychecks! (We’re sure there will be chocolate, too!)

What programs do you think would be helpful?

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